Incentives for Home Security?

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Security companies like COVE, ADT, FrontPoint are offering incentives for new clients. Is it really worth it to sign up and receive these incentives or are there other ways to protect your home?

Keeping your family and home safe should be everyone’s’ main priority. With our communities still adjusting to a post covid reality and remote work on the rise, making your own personal space a comfortable and safe place is a must.

Homeowners share several common interests. Increasing the value of their home, maintaining and up-keeping their property, and having the best Christmas decorations are among them. We all tend to analyze our homes and look for possible weekend home improvement opportunities. 

When we get lost in the property rat race, we tend to forget one fundamental rule… keeping our possessions and loved one’s safe, while keeping unwanted visitors out. 

While thieves get more and more creative every day, adding an extra line of security and support will combat their creativity. The 90 pound Pitbull that loves naps and is friendlier than your neighbor’s Pomeranian is not what you want to rely on. Adding a professional team with expertise will make sure that a sneaky gas leak doesn’t send you to your in laws for the next 6 months, is your new best friend. Don’t be a victim, get yourself a security system that can protect you against those threats you still don’t know exist. 

Aesthetics vs. Security

Creating several spaces within a home that your family can enjoy is the challenge. Focusing on the bigger rooms is a tendency we are inclined towards. This leads to ignoring the fundamentals… basic maintenance. From gutters to tubing, a home is basically a machine. Keeping each part well greased and functioning is key. If you change the paint, the decor, and the aesthetics but fail to identify the functioning pieces of your home that are at risk, you’ll soon find yourself in a pickle. 

The second mistake homeowners make is just that. Ignoring those minor but highly impactful pieces that will surely affect your wallet and peace of mind. Make sure you tackle the items that if, or better yet, when they fail will keep you up at night. 

Picking the right system is an essential part of securing your home. You can find several options like ADT, SimpliSafe, and FrontPoint. Most of these offer incentives to entice you to choose their service. ADT for example is offering incentives up to $100 to sign up with them. This does make the service more attractive, especially if it only costs a fraction of that a month.

Your home is much more than just walls, doors, and a roof. You most likely have spaces in your house that, if optimized, will improve the overall feeling of your home. 

You’d be surprised how much time you spend in bathrooms throughout the week. Efficient shelving can really make a difference in any bathroom. Adding a water saving and efficient shower head will make your bank account and wife happy. The right shower flooring could keep your little ones safe when they are defeating the lagoon monster in the shower. 

This leads us to the third mistake. Forgetting to add essence to that cookie cutter shell that you purchased. Optimizing your rooms, creating atmospheres that incite peace and comfort is a must.  

Just like that, the perfect home office is just a couple of upgrades away. Finding the right lighting to add an ambience of success and productivity should be your first step. 

Modern trends vary from standing desks, dual monitors, and even conferencing gadgets. But none of these will matter if your wife doesn’t work well in your new office. Ensuring efficient wiring and well-positioned energy-efficient outlets will help you set the foundations to a solid office design. 

Don’t make the same mistakes millions of Americans have made when they obtain the American dream. You earned this plot of land, make sure you optimize it and enjoy it for as long as possible. 

All of this effort is lost if you don’t secure your home with an appropriate reliable system.

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